The French bioeconomy cluster “Bioeconomy for change” (B4C) is holding a webinar on innovations in enzyme research in Europe. The event, which takes place on 9th October from 14:00 – 16:30 CEST, will present European projects that are investigating and developing enzymes. The webinar aims to discover trends on enzymatic technologies through ongoing European projects, and to let our network discover European companies and research laboratories working on this topic.
OXIPRO is one of three key projects being discussed at the meeting and will be represented by Rasmus Moen Ree from NORCE, who will give an overview of the project. OXIPRO’s sister initiative FuturEnzyme will also be featured, and OXIPRO partner Calyxia is a member of the B4C cluster.
The goal of this webinar is (1) to discover trends on enzymatic technologies through ongoing European projects and (2) to let our network discover European companies and research laboratories working on this topic.
The provisional agenda is below:
- 14h00 – 14h15 Introduction by B4C :
Who are the participants? Who are we? Why this webinar? - 14h15 – 14h45 Oxipro
Diversifying Enzymes for Greener Products
OXIPRO is harnessing the power of novel oxidoreductases for more environment-friendly consumer products
Speaker : Rasmus Moen Ree, NORCE - 14h45 – 15h15 Futurenzyme
Technologies of the Future for Low-Cost Enzymes for Environment-Friendly Products
Speaker : Manuel Ferrer, CSIC - 15h15 – 15h45 Incite
Innovative Chemoenzymatic Integrated Processes
INCITE is aiming to accelerate a transition to a more flexible and sustainable chemistry by taking novel integrated upstream and downstream processing.
Speaker : Yamini Satyawali, VITO - 15h45 – 16h00 : Conclusion