OXIPRO Celebrates UN International Women and Girls in Science Day

OXIPRO is celebrating the brilliance and resilience of women and girls in science on UN International Women and Girls in Science Day. This annual global event celebrates the remarkable achievements of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, while also highlighting the ongoing need for greater gender equality in these crucial areas.


This year’s theme, “Innovating for Sustainable Development: Access and Equity,” emphasizes the power of science to address global challenges like climate change, poverty, and food security. Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Yet, with women making up less than 30% of researchers worldwide, ensuring their full participation in STEM is crucial for unlocking innovative solutions.


Moreover, the EU has just launched new data on gender balance in the Horizon 2020 work programme: “Gender equality improved under H2020, with the share of women in evaluation panels reaching 42%, above the 40% target. However, the share of women in scientific advisory panels and as researchers in projects remained below the 50% target, at 43% and 23% respectively. Despite efforts, it remains a challenge to achieve gender balance in research, entrepreneurship and innovation, and stronger measures are needed.”


How does OXIPRO help redress the gender balance?


OXIPRO makes women in STEM visible. 

OXIPRO is funded under the Horizon 2020 work programme.

Of the 93 participants in the project, 53 are females, representing 57%.

Of the 78 researchers in the project, 38 are females, representing 48% as opposed to the overall figure of 23% for H2020 projects. Faced with global challenges that are highly complex, we cannot afford to miss this percentage of sources of solutions.


OXIPRO recognises women’s achievements. 

We celebrate the promotion of women’s scientific careers. We ensure that publications are marked and acknowledged. We also dedicate a special session for young researchers’ at our meetings, and award outstanding contributions.


OXIPRO increases women’s influence in science decisions.

The project is coordinated by a female senior researcher at NORCE. Moreover, 5 out of 8 work packages are led by female senior staff at partner institutions.


OXIPRO promotes young women’s careers. 

We foster activities to upskill young researchers and help them develop their careers to make a positive difference in terms of diversity within the STEM workforce. This year OXIPRO will be hosting an innovation boot camp for early-stage career researchers.


OXIPRO acts against systemic, social and cultural barriers. 

The Project Coordinator, NORCE, and its partners have in place a Gender Equality Plan comprising a set of commitments and actions that aim to promote gender equality in an organisation through a process of structural change.


From scientists pioneering clean energy technologies to engineers designing next-generation infrastructure, women and girls are leading the way in shaping a brighter future and OXIPRO is proud of its commitment to this year’s theme of Innovating for Sustainable Development: Access and Equity. As our teams of researchers work towards solutions for greener, safer and more sustainable liquid detergents, textile production processes, sunscreens and nutraceuticals, (see factsheets), we strive to ensure that there is access and equity in gender representation.


Join the global conversation on #February11 and get involved in events around the world celebrating their achievements and inspiring the next generation of female science leaders!


#February11 #womeninscience #genderequality #womeninstem

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