OXIPRO researchers from NORCE and LEITAT participated in the International conference on marine biotechnology, Bioprosp, held this year from 14-16th of March in Tromsø, Norway.
Bioprosp takes place biannually in snowy Tromsø, an internationally recognised city for world-class biotechnology research – in other words, “the hot spot for cool biotech”. This meeting focuses on the highly unexplored and full of potential source of biomolecules in the marine environment. Marine biotechnology and bioprospecting are key topics discussed during the meeting, in which around 150 researchers and industrial representatives participate, bringing their newest ideas and latest discoveries.
Work package leader Aroa Rey and leader of the Biotech group at LEITAT presented a poster about ongoing work on a detergent with enzymes capable of disinfection. Her colleague Helena Balfagon, a researcher in the same team, presented a poster about their work on the enzymatic biosynthesis of UV filters. OXIPRO’s coordinating partner NORCE had a great contribution to the meeting as well, with a talk from Rasmus Moen Ree about the enzymatic odour removal of fish protein hydrolysates, and a poster from Antonio Garcia-Moyano about expression of marine enzymes.
OXIPRO’s coordinator, Gro Bjerga, was in the scientific committee of the meeting, and chairing the sessions dedicated to enzymes. The meeting also included participants from other key EU projects, such as OXIPRO’s sister project RadicalZ, and the newly started project BlueRemediomics, in which both NORCE and LEITAT have contributions. Overall, the meeting was highly informative and a great opportunity for networking.