For responsible research to be made meaningful, it must be communicated to all relevant stakeholders in the most effective ways and at the most opportune times. This is not a easy task, yet stakeholder engagement is fundamental to project success and achieving the expected impact. Importantly, it is often mandatory in a third-party funding context.
OXIPRO partners SB Science Management (SBSM) and REDINN, have just published a succinct, practical guide to planning stakeholder engagement, titled ‘Ten simple rules on how to develop a stakeholder engagement plan’. Led by Susanne Hollmann (SBSM), the paper addresses the challenges inherent in effective stakeholder engagement through a ten-point plan that provides a structured workflow.
The paper offers pragmatic guidelines to fostering positive reactions to the results and benefits generated by a project, thereby facilitating wider acceptance and uptake of research outcomes through two-way communication (interpersonal communication) with researchers.
The paper is a must-read for anyone involved in stakeholder engagement.
Citation: Hollmann S, Regierer B, Bechis J, Tobin L, D’Elia D (2022) Ten simple rules on how to develop a stakeholder engagement plan. PLoS Comput Biol 18(10): e1010520. publication is based on outputs of the COST Action CHARME supported by COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology ( funding agreement CA15110, results of the project OXIPRO funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme ( under Grant Agreement No. 101000607 and SB Science Management UG (